Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wednesday, March 28 Part II

Wow! Where to much good news and so many cute stories to share. Oh, and the best thing, more pictures!

First big news, Collin got a cast put on his "lucky leg"! It was sort of a surprise because the pediatric orthopedist (the foot guy) had not visited with Collin's parents before. He walked in today while Collin's Mommy was rocking him and introduced himself. He described the procedure for applying the cast and just stood there. Collin's Mom finally asked, "Oh, so you want to do it right now?!" He did and he did. It is the tiniest little thing, very cute, but hopefully will do the trick. It extends from a little above his kneecap to the middle of his toes. The plan is to apply a different cast, once a week for about a month, each time turning the foot more. The interesting thing is that Collin uses that foot to express his pleasure, his dislikes and even his anger. When he is happy and content, the toes wiggle like little could even hold his little foot almost like a hand. When he gets mad, he kicks that foot (and whatever is the cause of his displeasure!) It will definitely be interesting to watch Collin grow up and see how this early attribute affects him (or not!)

Second piece of good news, the doctors performed a hearing test on Collin, which determined he hears just fine. (We could have told them that, after all, we have seen Collin wince at Grandpa N's corny jokes!) They were also able to determine that Collin has not suffered any neurological damage, which again, any of his grandmothers could have told them. (He is definitely the brightest baby in the entire NICU, no, probably the whole hospital.) One of the doctors mentioned how quickly Collin has been improving. Mommy told him it was due to all the prayers coming in...from all of you!

He shows his amazing personality constantly, from choosing a "favorite" pacifier...I am NOT joking! to knowing exactly how he likes to be swaddled. The nurses have given him a couple different pacifiers (sometimes they get lost in his pajamas or in a blanket). Collin has decided that he only likes the "big boy" binky...the largest one! lol We wish the pictures showed it better, but the pacifier in the photos is HUGE compared to his little mouth.

Tonight Collin spit up a little bit and had to have his cute outfit changed. Watching Mommy and Daddy work in sync is marvelous to behold. As if they have been doing it forever, not just 2 1/2 weeks, they work as one. Of course, Collin expressed his displeasure by yelling and kicking his casted foot around. Too cute! Once his Mommy and Daddy had him cleaned up and dressed in a new sleeper, with his "big boy" binky firmly in his little mouth, Collin settled down and just watched everyone. When it was time to swaddle him, Mommy wrapped him tightly, sort of like a giant burrito. Collin let us all know how much he liked it with a serious of satisfied grunts which made his Daddy laugh out loud.

You can see the physical beauty of Collin's parents in pictures, it is obvious. What we also want you to know is that their beauty runs deep, it is not just superficial. The pride, devotion and pure love they have for each other and their baby boy is awesome. Collin is a very lucky little boy, indeed.
Preparing to unveil the new cast
The cleanup begins!

The new cast unveiled.

Undressing the baby is a family affair
Collin is decidedly unhappy about losing his warm cuddlespot!

Wide awake
Ahhh, clean and warm again.

Daddy's comforting hand
Daddy's comforting hand, the favorite "big boy" binky...does life get any better than this?

A special moment between a loving Mother and her son
A special moment between Mommy and Collin.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning to the trio! I love the pictures and all they stand for. Often people speak of events or situations as being lucky, as if it where just by chance. I don't believe in luck. I believe a girl from North Dakota and a guy from Ohio were brought together in Arizona for a reason, that reason was and is Collin. Collin has inspired this family to pull together like never before. Our whole focus is to support and love the trio. Matt, Erin and Collin demonstrate the true essence of, faith, and determination. We as their parents, grandparents, siblings...whatever the title may be...we are here to give the trio strength...and our faith is the cornerstone of this modern day family that literarily stretches from sea to shining sea. God Bless You Matt, Erin and Collin and remember the Power of Prayer!

the family, with love said...

Good morning, Nana V. I also believe that Collin's parents were brought together for a very special purpose and that they were "meant to be".

I know that the outpouring of love and support & healing thoughts from all over the planet can only have a positive affect on our family. So, thank you all again, for each and every comment, prayer, thought and hope for Baby Collin and his (extended) family.

Anonymous said...

Good morning everybody!!!! It is such good news that Collin got a cast on his foot. It's primarily cosmetic, right? So that must mean he is doing well enough that they can worry about other things other than the life saving measures. Wonderful!

Whether you believe in God or the miracle of modern medicine, something special is happening in Tucson and it is a wonder to behold. Thank you for the updates, the entries and especially the comments from the readers. I have been addicted to this site since day one almost. It just keeps getting better and better.


the family, with love said...

Please read the update for new information.

Anonymous said...

Erin and Matt:

Congratulations! Collin is adorable. I am glad to hear the progress that he has made. He is one tough little guy. Our prayers and thoughts are always with you!
He is very precious!

Julie Pearce

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh!! I just love looking at the photos of precious baby Collin. His eyes, nose, tiny fingers, mouth, ears, cheeks and chin are all so perfect and oh so beautiful!

Thanks for sharing them!

Keep up the good work, Collin... you're doing great, Sweetheart.
So are Mommy Daddy!!!
(They're precious, too!)

Love to you all, Deanna