Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tuesday, June 19

Things are going great for our little family! They moved into their new, very spacious apartment on Sunday and all of their furniture arrived yesterday. Baby Collin has enjoyed all of the activity and fights taking naps because he wants to see what is going on around him. Nana V and Grandpa V should arrive Thursday or Friday, which will be a great help for Collin's mommy. Collin's Daddy checked in to the base yesterday, and now has eight days off to allow him to help unpack and get their new home organized.

Grandpa and Grandma N are counting the days until they and the Aunties leave for Omaha. Great Grandma N (from here on out to be referred to as "Gigi" for "G.reat G.randma") and Great Grandpa N will be celebrating 45 years of marriage; Uncle M will be graduating from high school. Lots of celebrating and baby kissing will ensue!


Anonymous said...

SO glad to hear they found an apartment. I had been looking all over the place to find them a referral to a house and hadn't had any luck. I know Erin still would like a house for Collin to have a yard etc but at least now we've got some breathing room to find something perfect for them. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations in finding the apartment!!

Everything seems to be falling into place so perfectly! And in a place where there's family near by to help out.

That's so wonderful that Matt gets 8 days off to get settled and to enjoy his darling family.

Best Wishes to Erin, Matt and Collin, in your new home.


Anonymous said...

YAY! That is great news!
High fives and (cyber)hugs for ALL of you! :)

the family, with love said...

Thank you, Tammy, you angel, for being there for them. You are a great friend and such a sweetie! Can't wait to see you guys...we'll be there in less than 8 days! Woo hoo!!! :)