Sunday, July 8, 2007

Sunday, July 8

We're back! The trip was wonderful, but as always, way too short. The Big Events went off without a hitch and we all had so much fun together. I just finished downloading almost 800 pictures from our week in Omaha. (Grandpa N took most of the pictures and he did a great job; usually it is Grandma N behind the camera.) As you can imagine, leaving was incredibly difficult.

Baby Collin is truly a miracle child. While we were there I was able to attend one of his weekly doctor's visits. Even the specialists are amazed with his progress. Currently he weighs a little under 13 lbs. They are weaning him OFF the TPN by decreasing the amount he gets and increasing the window of time when he is not taking it. At this point he is only on it 12 hours a day. His formula intake increases about a mL every day and he is doing great (he's up to 40 mL an hour!) He is treated to an ounce of formula via bottle about every 3-4 hours. As long as he continues to grow as he is, and doesn't have any problems digesting his formula, they may not need to do any more procedures. I am choked up as I type this because he has come so far. His mama does great with all his cares; we're so proud and impressed with how well she and his daddy manage their life.

Collin is so adorable and chubby! Grandpa N lovingly says "He's a tubbo!" His personality is so cute and funny. One day he heard a baby crying in a nearby room. He was sitting on his mom's lap and he perked up when he heard the shrill noise. He then got a huge smile and started giggling! The more the other baby cried, the more he seemed to be amused. Then he started to "fake cry", just like that other baby! He loves to be read to and looks at the pictures with great interest. Auntie A swore that he was following along with his eyes at the appropriate page; hopefully Collin will follow in her footsteps and grow up to be a great reader. Although he really does hate his brace, he is getting more comfortable with it. It's cute, it looks like Birkenstock sandals screwed onto a skateboard (without the wheels, of course!) The brace weighs 1 lb 2 oz, I think his little legs will get a real work out with all of the kicking he does. He will wear them for a few more months, and then only at night for the next two years. His mommy is vigilant about him wearing them all the time; she doesn't want the corrective process to last any longer than it has to.

Their apartment is very spacious and has an open design. Collin's room is decorated perfectly (and it just occurred to me that I did NOT take any pictures of it!) I must have been too mesmerized by my grandson to think of it. Collin's mom has done a great job decorating their home and it really is comfy and welcoming. It's also located conveniently, only about 4 minutes to the Air Force Base and within walking distance to grocery shops, restaurants and hotels. All of the family (including Collin's mom's little cousins) ADORES Baby Collin and they are really enjoying having our little family living in Omaha. I know Collin's mom is really enjoying it, as well. She grew up on various Air Force Bases so she's only known Omaha during their visits at Christmas or during the summer.

Thank you all again, from the bottom of our hearts, for all of your kind wishes and innumerable prayers. We (Collin's family) know that his success, in part, is due to the love and concern people from all over the planet have shown him. We thank God for you every day. Please enjoy these photos from our trip!

Auntie S and Collin boy show off their colors

Auntie S and Baby Collin in their 4th of July outfits.

Our little family

Our beautiful little family on the 4th of July.

Grandpa and his future fishing pal

Proud Grandpa with his boy.

Sweet Erin and beautiful boy

Pretty Mama with her angel baby.

Too cute!

Too much 4th of July fun!

Adoring Auntie A

Auntie A's proudest moment, the first time she
got to hold her precious nephew.

Fat and happy

Our precious grand baby in his cute dinosaur bib.

Grandma's little angel

Doting Grandma N with Collin at Uncle M's
graduation party.


Anonymous said...

Will have to read the entire entry later when I have more time but the photos are fabulous!!! Thank you for sharing!!!! Everyone looks great and esp. baby Collin!

Anonymous said...

So cute and everyone looks real happy. Grandma, you're not proud or anything are you? ha ha

The N family should move back to Omaha. They need you! (Was that good enough convincing, Erin?)

the family, with love said...

I have so many pictures it was hard to choose just a few! I laughed out loud at Erin's comment on the last entry...she told me that she was going to teach Collin to say, "Move back to Omaha, Grandma!" when he starts talking.

Right now the housing market here is such that we would lose our pants if we tried to sell now. We're going to keep our eyes open for the "perfect" job in his field, in Omaha, though. It was so great for the Aunties to be able to play with all their cousins and wonderful for all of us to be around family. With Uncle M going to college in Omaha and our little family now living there the idea is very tempting.

Again, thank you for all your prayers and love!

Anonymous said...

We are on cloud 9 the way Collin looks soooo perfect and Normal. You would never tell you traveled all that way and with a small surgery and wam he is doing great.

The pictures are fatastic. Hurry and share more, more, more.

Granma N we are glad to have you back in Arizona, perhaps when all is well with the baby, Matt and Erin can move back here!!!!

by the way, Auntie S and Auntie A looked so perfect holding their little cousin! So perfectly relaxed (Collin looked relaxed especially)

Lovin you sharing your family with us.

Great Auntie Marsha

Anonymous said...

The matching outfits on Aunt S. and Baby Collin are priceless. Great photos!

Anonymous said...

OMG! What a BEAUTIFUL portrait of you Lora with Collin! Great job Chris. - T

Anonymous said...

Great pics and better news about Collin! He looks adorable as do the girls, as well. Fine family you got there, to be sure.
Love yous. :)

Anonymous said...

How bittersweet! I am so glad that you guys all got quality time together. The pictures are wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

That's an awesome comment...the one about the N family coming back to NE!!! Good job
