Saturday, November 24, 2007

Collin’s 1st Snow Day!

It snowed for the first time this year on Daddy’s birthday! It was in the twenties Wednesday and in AZ it was in the eighties! Why did we have to move!?!?!?!?!?


the family, with love said...

LOL, as we have found, God works in mysterious ways! lol

If you hadn't moved to AZ when you did, you might have missed meeting Matt...and then we would all have missed out one of life's biggest joys...Baby Collin!! lol

Love you and hope you keep safe in the snow!

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean why did we move to AZ, I meant why did we move to NE!!!!hahaha


the family, with love said...

LOL, I know what you meant, you goof. I meant that you moved to NE to fulfill God's plan. Look at how wonderful it is...Collin is a big, ol' healthy tubbo! lol