Monday, May 14, 2007

Monday, May 14 (Entry No. 2)

Collin's Big Adventure

One week ago, today, Baby Collin went on the biggest adventure of his life, to date. Mommy and Daddy stayed at the hospital with him all night so Daddy could spend some precious moments with Collin before the trip.
Daddy and Collin-boy

In the morning, Sherry, one of the special angels who cared for Collin (and his parents) in the NICU came up to say goodbye.
Sweet Sherry, NICU angel

After some tears and lots of "goodbyes" from the medical staff, they prepared to leave the hospital. Baby Collin was strapped into his big boy car seat (a gift from Nana V) and the car seat was strapped onto a stretcher.

Big boy car seatGetting the car seat strapped to the stretcher

They wheeled the stretcher down to a waiting ambulance, which then drove them to the airport.
Transport ambulance
Mommy nearly fainted when she saw the tiny plane which was to fly them to Omaha!
Da plane, da plane!

On board, in addition to Collin and his mom were a respiratory therapist, a NICU nurse and the pilot. Mommy said that she could touch both walls of the airplane if she stretched her arms out!
Collin on the plane

Collin seemed to enjoy his "Air Evac" cap, he slept the entire trip.
Baby Collin in his Air Evac hat and Prayer Bear

At one point the turbulence was so violent that Mommy pulled out her video recorder because she wanted to document it, thinking no one would believe her. Another ambulance met them at the airport in Omaha and drove them swiftly to University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Collin has a private room which his mommy has made so cozy with his favorite mobile, pictures of Mommy and Daddy and lots of cute, cuddly toys.
UNMC-Biggest Crib in the Whole World!

There, the nurses, care coordinators and surgical team have been wonderful, answering questions and giving Collin's mom hope. Patients with short bowel syndrome have several procedures that can be done to overcome it. Intestinal rehabilitation (such as lengthening or stretching Collin's small intestine) is an option, as is a small intestine transplant. One such maneuver is the STEP procedure.

The first surgery that will likely occur is the removal of some scar tissue at the point where the first surgeon connected Collin's healthy small intestine to his colon. The doctors would like Collin to grow a few more weeks before they do this procedure, however. The point in removing that scar tissue is the hope that it would increase the transit time for Collin's food intake. (The time frame between him ingesting food and having a bowel movement.)

Collin's mom was thrilled to learn that the surgeon who will likely perform this procedure and who will perform the "intestinal lengthening procedure" is currently the World's leading surgeon in this area.

Being in Omaha has it's advantages and disadvantages for Collin's mom. Advantages include the closer physical proximity to Nana V and Grandma MaryJo as well as the other Ohio relatives; being admitted to the best intestinal rehabilitation/transplant hospital in the world; having tons of family and friends in Omaha to visit Collin and his mom and it's a really nice, middle sized town. Disadvantages, of course include not having Daddy there yet, not having a house or a car and being away from the loving medical team at UMC in Tucson. (**Erin asked me to send a shout out to Sherry, Beth, Gene, Dr. Tai, Debbie and all the other docs and nurses who took such good care of our Collin while he was there. They miss and love you guys!**)

We continue to pray constantly for our family to remain strong and committed to our little family, for Collin's continued growth and good health, for Collin's dad to be stationed in Omaha very soon, and for continued strength and faith for Collin's mom. Thank you for joining us in our prayers!


the family, with love said...

A belated Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful moms!! We celebrated yesterday by going to lunch with Collin's Uncle M and then Great Granny N and Great Gramps N and the N clan came up and had a surprise Mother's Day party for Erin in the family waiting room. (I think there were 8 cousins under the age of 12 present!)

I was fortunate to be able to spend parts of the day with four of our five kids (miss you, Ryan!) and it was wonderful. It would only have been better if we all would have been together, with Erin and Matt and Collin.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the prayers for me. It really helped a lot. I had an angiogram (my mistake, I should have known better than to write a medical word and not look it up). The news was better in some ways and worse in others. All in all, I will be okay, it may take a while but it will happen.

Nana N, thank you so much for keeping us updated on Collin and Erin. I know it must be hard staying by herself at the hospital.

I pray, Erin, that you will find both mental and physical healing for yourself while you are on this journey. I cannot imagine how hard this must be, especially with Matt having to be in AZ right now. Take care of yourself too, Erin, as you are a very important part of Collin and Matt's lives.

Nana V, perhaps you could make arrangements for Erin to go get a massage or even a facial. It would be sooooooo relaxing for her!

Thanks again for the prayers.

Collin, Erin and Matt you are constantly on our mind and in our prayers!!

Auntie Marsha

the family, with love said...

In my next entry, I'll share a bit more about the family and friends who have visited Collin and his mama. I also have a bunch more pictures, Collin's mom gets credit for all the photos on this entry.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update, we have been anxious to hear what is going on. Glad you had a good time. I am sure Erin and Collin were very happy to see you, Grandma. Will you be moving to Omaha any time soon?

Anonymous said...

OHHH ... Lora Darling, It was so wonderful reading the update on Erin and Collin and seeing the fantastic photos and hearing about your trip to Omaha.

I hope your visit, with all the parties and celebrations, and taking her shopping helped take away any sadness - homesickness - missing her Darling Hubby - fears - loneliness... that Erin might have had, after her arrival in Omaha.

Collin looks as though he did very well on the flight and he looks to be settling into his new crib and 'hood very nicely! He looks very rested and so peaceful!

I hope all the nurses are as caring and loving as his "old nurses".

I, too, think it would be
so nice if Erin could have
"A Day at The Spa".

Good Thinking, Auntie Marsha!!!

Love to you all,
and thanx again for the entry today!
Aunt Dee Dee ~ xoxoxox
(I wanna be one, too!)

Anonymous said...

“Spa day” sounds wonderful…Erin & I did this over Christmas and we had a blast. I will be in Omaha in 13 days and counting. Unfortunately, I am unable to get there sooner but Erin understands and is patiently waiting. Back rubs, facials, pedicures and manicures will be very enjoyable…but shopping…that’s therapeutic!!!

As I was talking to Erin yesterday, Collin became very vocal…what a wonderful sound. He was trying to get Erin’s attention…he wanted to be held, of course Erin soon gave in. Collin then continued his joyful expressions in earnest…his way of saying, “I love you!”

Matt, stay strong and know we are thinking and praying for you, we love you very much. Knowing you and your relationship with Erin and Collin has made this time apart from them bearable. I miss you very much and look forward to seeing you soon.

Thank you everyone who prays for the trio. We as a family appreciate the effort, pictures, and statements so very much!

God Bless the trio!

Nana V

the family, with love said...

Nana V, so good to see you! I hope you had a great Mother's Day, I know you were missing Erin and Matt and Collin. Thirteen days will go by so quickly! (Wish I could join in on the spa day with you two; Erin can tell you how desperately I need a pedicure! lol)

I know of two Omaha great Grandmas, three great aunts and several very close family friends who will be lining up to stay with Collin so you can treat Erin!

Anonymous said...

What a great pictolog (new word) of Collin's big adventure..and Mommy's too! WOW! How brave of you both to fly on that little airplane together!

Thank you for sharing this step by step and sending good vibes across the States now to our favorite little boy Collin Matthew!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to share all that is going on with Collin and his family. I enjoyed reading all of the information as I find that stuff fascinating. I continue to pray that everything goes well with baby Collin and that Mom, Dad and Baby are together again very soon!

the family, with love said...

Auntie Dee, Katie and Tiffany, I had fun putting Erin's pictures together with her story. I really hope you can meet Erin in person someday, she is the type of person who really shines when she is around people. (She is DEFINITELY not a loner!) Her version of the flight is very animated and funny and quite entertaining.

I want to keep this "pictolog" entry (great word, katiecoo!) up for a bit, but I need to add that while I was there, Collin's feeds were increased to 10 mL an hour! That is the highest he has been and we're hoping it continues to increase. The TPN will start to be "windowed" today, by which I mean they will start the balancing act with the feeds v TPN again.

Anonymous said...

Praying for all that and more. God bless the trio!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update.
Great pics! :)
Still praying for you ALL.

Anonymous said...

Not posting much recently but always thinking of you. What a great idea about the facial or massage. And Lora, why I am NOT SURPRISED you missed Ryan?! What a lovely young man, his post had me in tears.

Collin is so lucky to be in the place he needs to be, the best place for him now.

Strength to Erin and Godspeed to Matt.

Hugs to all of you!

Anonymous said...

I still check in daily and say my daily prayers for Collin and his family. I hope that things are going well.