Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thursday, May 31

As May draws to an end, and summer beckons from around the corner, our little family (minus one) continues to thrive in Omaha. Collin has been "discharged" from UNMC but still lives on the campus with his mama. He is seen often by the doctors and is monitored closely. Being discharged, however, allows his mom to take him out and about. Baby Collin was the center of attention at the N family "Memorial Day" picnic!

Collin's feeds have increased to 17 mL an hour, and he gets a 20 mL bottle of formula every four hours. There is also a window of time where he is not on the TPN at all, and he is not taking any lipids (which is what causes liver damage) right now. By all accounts Collin is a happy, sweet, adorable baby!

He got to meet his great grandparents A (Nana V's parents) this week; we're sure they're as proud as punch! Collin's Godfather made it to Tucson safely (we're positive he somehow surpassed the "space/time" contiuum because he got here so swiftly) and he has shared so many stories about his beloved little nephew that it makes our hearts ache from missing Collin.

Collin's dad returned to Tucson on Wednesday and we're hoping he gets his OFFICIAL PCS paperwork in the next week. His family (wife and child, as well as his new extended one) anxiously await his arrival to their new city. We're just watching from the sidelines, hoping and praying that all continues to go well!


Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear that things are still moving along. How did "Auntie Marsha's" surgery go?

the family, with love said...

Hi Tiffany! Thank you for the link to the pictures, sweetie. I forwarded it on to Chris but I haven't had time to check them out yet. I am so happy that you continue to do well! Auntie Marsha is recovering remarkably well! I hope you can meet her someday in "real life" (it is possible, she lives in AZ!) you would see that her heart is as strong as it is huge and full of love. :)

Ok, off to work on another entry!