Monday, June 11, 2007

Monday, June 11

Happy (Belated) 3 Months,
Baby Collin!!

Update: Collin's daddy hit the road to Omaha early this evening! Woo to the hoo!!! Our little family should be reunited tomorrow, thank God. We're praying for him to arrive at his new home safely. Thank you all again for your loving support and many prayers. We know you are thinking of our precious Baby Collin and his family even though our entries are shorter in length, and longer between. ;)

Collin Matthew turned 3 months old this past Saturday, June 9th. He and mama celebrated it by hanging out at Great Grandma R's. Mommy caught some rays by the pool and Collin entertained everyone with his infinite cuteness.

3 Months old and STILL Cuter than the Pitt kid
Baby Collin and Great Grandma R

Mama and Collin

Nice tan, Mom!


the family, with love said...

Hey everybody, "Great Grandma R" is MY mom...doesn't she look great for being a great grandmother??

Grandma N

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh Lora, she's beautiful!!! It's funny cuz I was just going thru some files and re-read the beautiful poem she wrote! I love that poem! I still have it in my favs, too.

Can I link it here?

Baby Collin is just so adorable, too! I love his expressions, to pieces! I just love looking at him. He's so sweet, but oh such serious expressions at times! LOL

He makes me LOL!

Thanx for the updates!

Erin. you look beautiful, too, Darling... as always.


the family, with love said...

Yes, please feel free to post it, Deanna! It really speaks eloquently to the bittersweetness of our children growing up.

Anonymous said...

It's great to see such a growing, beautiful baby. He's fortunate to have such a loving, caring family!

Sue Lang

Anonymous said...

How sweet! Yes, great grandma looks like a young hottie! Everyone looks great...collin is really changing day by day isn't he? :)

Anonymous said...

I feel like I've missed so much. Did Nana V and Baby Collin's mommy get to have shopping therapy and spa day? I would love to see those pictures, too. Nothing sweeter than seeing mother-child pictures (no matter how old the child is). Did Baby Collin's daddy make it safe? Have they moved into their new home? When does his job start? Will they live on the base there? Are there any plans for Baby Collin to have surgery soon? How is his little foot healing, where they cut the tendon? That about does it for our questions. Glad everyone is doing good and Baby Collin gets cuter every day.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe how big Collin is! He is so precious, and so very lucky to have a huge family who love him to pieces!

Anonymous said...

Hi there~~
Your baby Collin is just so adorable, and love his smiles and happy faces he makes.
Hope Matt gets there safely and just know Erin and baby Collin will be over joyed to see him.
We back here in Ohio wish we could give you three all hugs. So we are sending many your way.
You are in our prayers daily.
HUgs and kisses from Unlce Billy, Aunt Carol, Jenny Chuck and all the boys, Jeff and Gerri Ann, and from Kirk too...
Love ya and hope all keeps going well for Collin....xxxxxxxxxxto all

the family, with love said...

Hi everybody! Welcome, Ohio relatives! Please feel free to post anytime. We are looking forward to a mixed family get-together (Erin's and Matt's family) someday. I think we could all share some pretty funny stories! :)

Nana V and Mommy haven't had their shopping/spa day yet, but I am sure they'll take care of that in July. Matt made it safely to Omaha and of course, they were all overjoyed! Right now they *think* they have found the perfect apartment, we're crossing our fingers that everything works out with that. I don't know when Matt goes to work, but I know it will be soon. No, as far as we know there are no plans for surgery any time soon. I think that his little heel is healing fine.

Thank you all for the comments! Hopefully we'll have some new pictures soon.