Monday, August 20, 2007

Collin's doing great! We are soo happy that he's getting back to norm FAST! Here are a couple pics! Love you all :)


the family, with love said...

Yikes! What's wrong with that tired-looking old woman holding Collin? lol

Great job with the blog, Erin! It is a huge relief to see him getting back to his "old self". Although the stitches look wicked, Collin doesn't seem to have a problem with them. Amazing, since it's only day five after his surgery!

Anonymous said...

Collin looks so happy! He seems completely unfazed by his incision and tummy tube. I assume that his belly is still swollen from surgery but it will go down in time. To my (nonprofessional) eyes, it looks like he is healing VERY well! Lora you are gorgeous so just stop that 'tired ol grandma' krapola. I notice that you are wearing eye makeup so you can't be that tired! ;-) And the most important thing is that Collin looks so peaceful and comfy in your arms. How wonderful that Erin & Matt have your support both physically and emotionally. Yay that the surgery is OVER and baby Collin is doing so well. Thanks for the update and pictures, Erin!


Anonymous said...

He looks great! Hope "everything" is "working" (is he passing gas?).I'm glad they didn't put his NG tube back, glad he appears not to need it. When will he get to start eating a little? I would guess they want to wait a good while, like 2 weeks? Do they have the same binkies up there, or is that one of ours? I'm glad to see him so comfortable. Yay! Bet you all are glad it's over!

Sayin prayers for you all!


Anonymous said...

Collin's doing great! The NG tube was taken out by baby Collin BIG surprise...NOT!hahaha We were very lucky the Dr’s didn’t make the nurse put it back in, his nose was getting raw from him continually pulling on it! They are going to do an Upper-GI tomorrow and if all goes well they will start feeds after they read the results! I asked how they were going to go up on the feeds and was told that they would start out at 5ml a day and if he tolerates that they’ll try going up 5ml, twice a day! We STILL have the same binkies from the NICU!hahaha He won’t take anything else. Little Shit! :) Collin still has the same central line as he did in Tucson only now it won’t draw back, still flushes great we just can’t get blood from it. His Dr put in a temporary Central line on the other side of his chest. She’s hoping that he’ll be able to go home and not need a line and she can pull them both!!!! Thank you everyone for all of your prayers and thoughts! Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Hey you guys. I am so glad to see that he is doing so well. I love you guys and I hope he keeps getting better. Have a great week!
-Jenni Payne

Anonymous said...

He looks so happy! What a blessing the recovery is going well. In the picture I see the incision from the operation, but what is the round thing where the g tube goes in? Are there stitches there, too?

Anonymous said...

Jenni!! It's so good to hear from you! Hope all is well in ND! Tell your lil bro I said congrats!


Anonymous said...

Yes, there are stitches.