Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers! Collin is doing amazing!!!!! Please make sure to say an extra prayer today for Lora and Sophia as the travel back to Tucson! Also, Matty and I would like to thank Lora and Sophia for coming out and helping us this past week! (9days!)
The round thing is where his G/J tube is now draining. After surgery the bow slows down and if they don’t let it drain Collin will puke. Tomorrow he’s going to have an Upper GI ( which is where they put a barium contrast into his G tube and follow it through the intestinal track to make sure there aren’t leaks or obstructions.)if the test shows that all is well they will start feeds and eventually take the "round thing" out and replace it with a mic-key button.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are still updating this blog so I can know what is going on! Collin is such a cutie! Looks like his mama :)

Anonymous said...

If you didn't know Collin was sick, you would never notice it. He looks like a healthy and very happy baby. Kudos to the hospital staff and the family for taking such wonderful care of Collin.

With prayers and good fortune sent your way.

Great Auntie Marsha

the family, with love said...

Erin, you are doing such a good job with Collin! I love hearing about him everyday; so thank you for keeping his blog updated! I can't believe how fast our trip went; I miss you guys so much already.

Waiting with bated breath to hear how the upper g.i. goes; poor baby just wants a full belly!

Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh...what a lil cutie bundle of joy!!! He looks GREAT!!! His sparkle in his eyes and vibrancy has really amp'd up! Glad things are going so well for all of you!!!

Aunt Katie