Saturday, May 5, 2007

Saturday, May 5 (Cinco de Mayo!)

Update: Collin has been put back on 5 mL of feeds today. His mom has packed up most of his personal items (excluding his rainforest mobile and bedding) so his "crib" looks pretty barren. The cute wicker baskets his mom had stored his supplies in are gone; the pink hospital tubs are back.

Well, it is official. Baby Collin and his mom will be flying to Omaha on Monday morning. Of course all of our nerves are frazzled and there is so much stress and many unknowns and so many details to attend to; so many people who care and need a response to text messages or phone calls and of course, the inevitable situation where you snap at a someone who is doing nothing more egregious than asking the wrong question or "helping out". Suddenly you have another thing to attend to; the feelings of the person whom you care about but took your frustration out on. So, if you have been on the receiving end of one of us not having enough patience, or tact or time...please understand!

Yesterday Collin had 4 bowel movements, which the doctor deemed "too big", so they have stopped his feeds for now. Collin is currently on 25 mL of TPN and not getting any bottles, which is distressful because the bottles have been such a source of enjoyment for him. Thank GOD he is moving to Omaha, please keep praying for Collin and his parents and his many grandparents! (And his giant, extended family as well!)


the family, with love said...

My sweet friend, Michelle A., was someone I was thinking of when I wrote this entry this morning. Sometimes the worry and stress is so strong you just want to scream.

It's immeasurable how much worse it is for Collin's parents.

Anonymous said...

I reacted like that when my mother was very sick. Even my own sisters didnt understand that I wasn't really mad at what they had done or said, I was angry that my mom was dying. God bless you all, and help keep you united and strong. Beloved Jesus, keep Collin in your loving arms.

Anonymous said...

I remember reacting that way too but thankfully everyone around me understood. They may not have understood what it was like to have a sick preemie but they knew that it was taking it's toll on us emotionally. How exciting and scary at the same time that they are leaving Monday. I pray that they have a safe trip and that this is life changing for everyone!

the family, with love said...

Tiffany, your constant support and words of encouragement have been so helpful. I can't tell you how much it means that you have continued to post and share little pieces of your own experiences with us; even more so now that you are half a world away, in a war zone. You are truly one of Collin's angels. THANK YOU!!!

the family, with love said...

Anonymous, thank you for your comment and thank you for understanding. Hopefully we haven't snapped at someone or hurt someone's feelings who hasn't heard "I'm sorry".

Anonymous said...

Happy packing Erin! Prayers for your trip with Collin to be safe and you will be able to find a place to live real soon. I love me some Ronald McDonald houses. Good luck with your trip and hope to hear about all of Collins advancements.

Auntie Marsha

Anonymous said...

Your baby just gets cuter and cuter! Have enjoyed so much, reading his progress and seeing him grow. Will you continue this diary once he goes to Nebraska?

Anonymous said...

Poor things, you all have so much on your hands and now you're worried about this too. You're all human, I'm sure the person on the receiving end understands.

I haven't posted in a while but I've been reading and praying. Erin is a beautiful girl. No wonder she has such a beautiful baby!!! (Collin's Daddy isn't bad either. ;-))

I'm thankful that they will be setting off for the next step to healing dearest baby Collin.

The distance from AZ is what he needs now, but I know it will be hard on those of you who had him close by until now. You are all in my hearts.

Hang in there.

(((Collin, his parents, the nanas and grandpas and aunties)))

Anonymous said...

You are very welcome! It is my honor to be a part of this journey for all of you! The new pictures are great too! I am loving the "many faces of Collin". I bet that's bittersweet having packed up his stuff! Big hugs to all of you!

Anonymous said...

To "the family with love"...

I am sending my love and best wishes to all of you. And, of course, my prayers will continue during this next step in The Life of Baby Collin.

I can only imagine how hard this must be on everyone. On Erin, the stress and fears of having to pack up and travel to new surroundings and a new hospital, with her baby boy. And on the family who remains in AZ and must say good-bye to Erin and Baby Collin tomorrow.

(Be sure to cuddle up in that quilt, (((Lora))), and know that we're thinking of you, Sweetheart.)

Erin and Baby Collin have such a huge adventure ahead of them. I'm sure it'll be much easier when Matt arrives. I feel it in my bones, that everything will turn out perfectly! I'm just so happy that you, Erin, and Baby Collin are able to go to Omaha to get the very best treatment for him.

Will you be holding Baby Collin on the flight or will he be in a "bunk"? Will there be a nurse traveling with you? I imagine there will be.

Awhile ago, I mentioned that I worked in the NB Nursery. There were several babies that I got to travel with to other hospitals that had much better equipment, etc, than ours... mostly to Yale - NH Hospital.

Your leaving brings back memories of how hard it was on us nurses to say good-bye to the sweet babies we had grown to love so much.

I'm sure the nurses tomorrow will have tears in their eyes when you and Baby Collin leave the NB Nursery. But the "new" nurses in Omaha will certainly fall just as much in love with him the minute they see him and what a precious little guy he is.
BTW ~ The new photos of him are so adorable.

Please continue to keep us all informed and continue to post lots of photos.

Good luck to all of you!

Love, Deanna

the family, with love said...

Thank you for the reminder, Deanna! The quilt will be firmly wrapped around me, I promise.

I have always felt bad for Collin's other loving grandparents that they are all so far away. That was one of the reasons I set up Collin's blog in the first place. I am hoping that Erin will be able to send pictures occasionally and updates, too, so I can keep the blog updated. I think being connected that way will be a comfort for Grandpa N and I, as I hope it has been for all other family members.

Hopefully, with Omaha being so much closer to Matty's family and to Nana V in North Dakota, they will all be able to travel down more frequently to see our little family. We (Grandma & Grandpa N, the aunties and uncles M and R) will be in Omaha at the end of June through the 5th of July, so we'll be able to see them then, as well. :)

Thank you all for your continued well wishes and prayers!

Anonymous said...

This is a very big event! I am so happy to hear that Collin will be getting the excellent care that is avaiable in Nebraska, but it must be so sad to have distance from loved ones.

I pray that the trip is safe and that the relocation is a blessing!

Hugs to you all!